And to all a good night …

On a Christmas Eve more than 50 years ago, my parents got me out of bed and took me to the window near the head of my bed.

“Can you hear that?” my father asked. “I think I hear bells!” he said. “Look up there! Does that look like a sleigh?”

He was pointing up through the pine boughs, and yes, I could definitely hear bells, and I believed I could see a distant sleigh coursing across the sky.

I learned many years later that our kind and generous neighbor Charlie Finnegan had been hiding behind a tree, shaking a set of sleigh bells – creating the perfect fantasy for a young boy who hoped Santa might be on his way.

Tonight, on this particular Christmas Eve, my wish for you is that you can feel what I felt those many years ago – what I still feel every year.

I hope you have trust in the revitalizing power of magic and community, whatever that means in your life. In mine, it means that Charlie Finnegan is still ringing the bells from behind the tree.

Meet Lauren Rousseau

These are links to stories and commentary about Lauren Gabrielle Rousseau, of Danbury, a teacher who died Dec. 14, 2012, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

From Lauren’s mother, a year after the tragedy.

A year of grief and gratitude

Commentary, which includes a poem by Lauren’s sister, Emily.
From Emily

From The Hartford Courant, Dec. 31, 2012.
“It Could Have Been …”

A photo of her memorial service in Danbury.
First Congregational Church

A story about her memorial service (with photographs).
“An Angel …”

From The News-Times of Danbury, Conn.
“The Best Year …”

Pat Daddona's Songwriting Blog

A guide to crafting captivating music, lyrics and performances

Words of War

The battles we fight - the wars we wage.

a girl and her commander

Breaking free and paving my own way.


Because we’re all recovering from something.